It takes many twos

When it comes to art writing, there's often much to consider; in this estimate, two too many.

Ardent readings

"Ardent readings lead us to the emergence of something exemplary or to finding felicity in forms or articulations…

Art Writing and ‘Stilled Lives’

On days we remain trapped, we take notice of what…

Luck at First Strike: Three Winning Filipina Printmakers at International Print Exhibition

“Striking” is a printmaking term, meaning to lay paper on an inked plate to make a mark. It is…

NFT Art: A Double-Edged Sword

When the quality of art is equivalent to its mintability, what exactly is being sustained?

Loosen Writing’s Leash

Kickstarting the series, On Art Writing, Pristine…

Unprocessed and Hastily Published: Some Zines from a Personal Collection

The author dusts five collected zines in a part review, part remembrance of pre-pandemic past

Expanding the Tapestry: Modern Myth-Making with Philippine Spirits

Jean Karl Gaverza engages with local myth and folklore -- and invites readers to do the same.

Subjugation through Adoration: Bona (1980) Reviewed

Interesting to note, too, is that the film was made and released when the Philippines was embroiled in the…

Regina Reyes and the Art of What We Leave Behind

In the artist's second solo show, Sunday becomes a vibe. The author catches up with the artist on the ideas…

Present Catechisms

Why with art amid crisis are we no longer surprised?

In Shaky, Red Ink: Mako Micro-press

A fellow zine-maker reflects on the indomitable arts group.

Re-envisioning the Tarot: Brenda Fajardo, Iya Regalario, and Manix Abrera

The open structure of the occult favorite allows for manifold interpretation and various designs - an appeal…

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Careening on the Conceptual Tailwind of Hae Ryun

The story of how an artist found the amalgam for her life through a dream.

Plugging in with Keiken

A dive into Keiken's cross-dimensional collaborative practice, concepts, and their world-building vision.

Lessons in Love and Lockdown from a Bowl of Las-wa

If a bowl of soup could tell a story during one of the most turbulent times in recent history, it's one of…

When Pat Frades Found Her Quarry

Pat Frades had long been in the company of artists. Inspiration became a matter of where she looked.

Behind the Racket: FREE-Lances on the Art Gig Economy

Is there such a thing as an exclusively professional career in the arts? FREE-Lances’ Renan Laru-an,…