Search - Punk

A wild plant grows through the concrete pavement

Punk lives on in unexpected spaces through artists A.lien (Neil Arvin Javier)…

From Me To You: Long Distance Worlds in Guided Agitation

At Gravity Art Space, experiences through sound collapse distance and time.

A Liminal Outer Space: On Celine Lee and Miguel Lorenzo Uy’s A Past, A Future

"What Lee and Uy simulate [...] lies in the interstices of our world and beyond — both here and there,…

The Ghost of Memory in Lui Gonzales' Countable and Uncountable

Writer Pie Tiausas discusses Lui Gonzales’ newest collection of paper compositions built up from the…

Weaving a Legacy: Of Art, Growth, and Community

"Now in its fourth year, Tubô Cebu Art Fair continuously echoes and demonstrates Visayas-Mindanao's growing…

Collaging Worlds: The Contemporary Spiritual in Jet B. Leyco’s Ispirituwal Transaction

"With the collapse of the search for an archaic singular truth then comes the…

Unprocessed and Hastily Published: Some Zines from a Personal Collection

The author dusts five collected zines in a part review, part remembrance of pre-pandemic past

In Shaky, Red Ink: Mako Micro-press

A fellow zine-maker reflects on the indomitable arts group.

Space Encounters Gallery Encounters White Elephant

Get your regular dose of pop and color with Space Encounters' latest shows

What Are Zines: History, Emergence, And Evolution

From fandoms to sociopolitical situations, a zine is the ultimate expression tool for a lot of people and the…