Search - Paintings

Tanya Villanueva Shows Us There Is No Beauty in Violence

Named after indigenous groups in the country, Tanya Villanueva's paintings prompt any viewer of her exhibition…

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Careening on the Conceptual Tailwind of Hae Ryun

The story of how an artist found the amalgam for her life through a dream.

ART REEL: Art Fair Philippines 2021 Double-Take

With AFP 2021 at the tail-end, gathered here by the Cartellino Team are some works you may have missed or want…

Within Curfew Hours with Wipo

For 'Sulok ng Araw', the artist's third solo exhibition, Wipo tracks time through an all-too-familiar…

Stories That Paint a Portrait of Negrense Women Artists

Here is a run-down of the works on view for 'Istorya Namon Subong,' now on its last week.

Drifting in Pepe Delfin's Transient City

In the artist's latest paintings, the viewer's eye tends to move about them as their inhabitants do. 

Abstracting a Life in Art

Artist-curator and writer Stephanie Frondoso shares her story on how she found a career in art.

Know That Platform: AITP Exhibitor Spotlight

Art in the Park's now on full swing. Here's a primer. 

Who the Heck Is Maerschelle R. Douchechamp?

“Originality is dead, Douchechamp killed him!” - Freedrick Kneetsheh

At the Garden with Steph Alvarez

Steph Alvarez of Cartellino's Picks answers the First Edition Questionnaire

Pepe Delfin Wins at Charades

Pepe Delfin of Cartellino's Picks answers our First Edition questionnaire.

2021 Needs More of Eunice Vergara

Eunice Vergara of Cartellino's Picks answers the First Edition questionnaire

Get All Caught Up with JL Javier

JL Javier of Cartellino's Picks answers the First Edition questionnaire.

Arno Salvador Was Here

Arno Salvador of Cartellino's Picks answers our First Edition questionnaire

Gabby Prado Is a Straight Shooter

Gabby Prado of Cartellino’s Picks answers our First Edition artist questionnaire.

The Everyday Allure of 'The Thing Is'

The group exhibition achieves that marvelous effect when nuanced works you presume aren't "art" at first, become…

Stories Worth (Re)Telling: Philippine Artists at 2020 Berlin Biennale

Does it take an international biennale to learn about our local artists? No, but it's a good writing prompt.

Space Encounters Gallery Encounters White Elephant

Get your regular dose of pop and color with Space Encounters' latest shows

Dashiell Manley, Working Between Intention and Diversion

The multimedia artworks of Dashiell Manley, which have gone and been exhibited…