Although largely kept out of the market’s reach, these prints play an integral role in the printmaking process.
The Cartellino Artist Proof Collection
Kristen Cain, Marge Chavez, Gerecho Iniel Cruz, Boboy Dado, Christina Lopez, Cyrene Navia, Gabi Nazareno, Henrielle Pagkaliwangan, Jone Sibugan, Anton Villaruel
Jul 18 To Aug 18, 2024
Outside the numbered and editioned copies, artists often set aside special versions of a print for their personal use. These form the artist proofs—a print’s unique versions conventionally unintended for sale and for display to the public.
Kristen Cain
Marge Chavez
Gerecho Iniel Cruz
Boboy Dado
Christina Lopez
Cyrene Navia
Gabi Nazareno
Henrielle Pagkaliwangan
Jone Sibugan
Anton Villaruel
Depending on how they figured in the process, artist proofs may or may not appear exactly the same as the numbered copies.
After all, only a few artist proofs come out of the printmaking process—as many as the artist’s drive for experimentation and quality would necessitate.
Artist proofs may possess higher quality after undergoing scrutiny as trial copies. Or they may offer a glimpse into the unfolding of the artist’s intent as exploratory or master prints.