Sungsic Moon Explores Attraction in 'Beautiful. Strange. Dirty.'

"I humbly try to understand the world through my own experience and draw as much as I understand," Sungsic Moon says. In the exhibition aptly named Beautiful. Strange. Dirty. we find a delicate balance of line and color in various mediums such as gouache, oil paint, gesso, and pencil. The artist continues to use traditional Korean painting genres like landscapes and still life in displaying seven distinct bodies of work. He focuses on themes such as people, insects, and plants to better understand "attraction". He decides to focus on flowers as the embodiment of desire and how people and insects are bound to be attracted to it.

Cartellino Kukje Gallery Sungsic Moon Beautiful Strange Dirty
Installation view of Beautiful. Strange. Dirty.
Cartellino Kukje Gallery Sungsic Moon Beautiful Strange Dirty
그냥 삶 Just Life
Mixed media on canvas,
60.5 x 41 cm, 2019
Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery | Photography by Park Dongseok
Cartellino Kukje Gallery Sungsic Moon Beautiful Strange Dirty
그저 그런 풍경: 그저 그런 사랑
A Mediocre Landscape: Mediocre Love

Oil and pencil on canvas,
27.5 x 22.2 cm, 2018
Cartellino Kukje Gallery Sungsic Moon Beautiful Strange Dirty
Installation view of Beautiful. Strange. Dirty.
Cartellino Kukje Gallery Sungsic Moon Beautiful Strange Dirty
만남 Encounter, Gesso and gouache on canvas, 18 x 25.8 cm, 2018 | Courtesy of the artist and Kukje Gallery | Photography by Kwon Oyeol
Cartellino Kukje Gallery Sungsic Moon Beautiful Strange Dirty
Installation view of Beautiful. Strange. Dirty.
Beautiful. Stranger. Dirty. will be on view at Kukje Gallery until December 31, 2019.
Photos courtesy of Kukje Gallery