Jose Tence Ruiz in a Political Conversation on Canvas

"Change is coming," they said. It is true, there are a lot of things that have changed in the past three years and those changes have been created conversations heated. In a democratic country, we have been empowered to share our opinions but silenced in so many other ways like a bullet through the head or the gates of imprisonment. Jose Tence Ruiz is just as frustrated as a lot of us are, in the way the country has progressed and it's especially communicated through potahMATIC. Profanities have very much occupied at least a few minutes of a national speech and many undeserving people have lost lives only to be called "collateral damage". Ruiz shares a raw demonstration of the pent up frustrations and visions of the current tides our society goes against and with.

Cartellino Jose Tence Ruiz Kaida Contemporary
Installation view of potahMATIC